Levitra o cialis, Viagra or Cialis, which is better for you?

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Levitra (Chinese name: Viagra) and Cialis (Chinese name: Cialis) are both drugs for the treatment of male erectile dysfunction (ED) and both belong to the PDE5 inhibitor class.

1.mechanism of action

Both increase the concentration of nitric oxide in the corpus cavernosum by inhibiting the activity of phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5), which in turn promote the relaxation of penile smooth muscle, increase blood flow, and help achieve and maintain erection.

Levitra o cialis, Viagra or Cialis, which is better for you?

2.Onset time and duration

Levitra usually begins to take effect within 30 minutes to 1 hour after taking, and its effects can last for 4 to 5 hours.

Cialis may take slightly longer to take effect, but its effects last longer, usually up to 36 hours or more.

3.Applicable population and precautions

These two drugs are suitable for most adult men, but the specific drug to choose and the dose should be decided by the doctor based on the patient's specific condition.

Before using these drugs, patients need to inform their doctor about their health status, allergy history, and other drugs they are using to avoid potential drug interactions or adverse reactions.

4.adverse reactions

Common adverse reactions include headache, facial flushing, indigestion, etc. These reactions are usually mild and will alleviate over time.

If serious adverse reactions occur, such as blurred vision, hearing loss, chest pain, etc., stop using immediately and seek medical attention.

5.Buying and using suggestions

These drugs are prescription drugs and must be used under the guidance of a doctor.

Do not buy or use these drugs from illegal channels to prevent the purchase of counterfeit drugs or substandard products.

Follow your doctor's advice and guidance, take your medicine on time, and pay attention to your body's reaction.

Levitra and Cialis are both effective drugs for the treatment of male erectile dysfunction, but the specific drug to use and how to use it should be decided by the doctor based on the patient's specific circumstances. When using these drugs, patients should follow the doctor's advice and guidance and closely observe the body's response.

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